Don't just take it from us

  • Brian Faini
    Digital technician, LA
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    "I feel confident in the new Studio features, knowing you've consulted with pro digitechs to improve and develop them. I'm sure they'll simplify workflows tremendously. I'm excited to use features like Live For Studio and Client Multi-Viewer, making image sharing and receiving feedback from clients and creatives much easier."
  • Brian von Glahn
    Digital technician, NY
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    ”Capture One Studio has been a game-changer. The AI-powered crop feature saves me time on every shot. It allows me to focus on collaborating with any photographer while keeping an eye on critical aspects of a shoot, knowing the task of keeping the talent positioned on every frame is being taken care of automatically."
  • Laimonas Stasiulis
    Digital technician, DIT, London
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    “Capture One Studio has brought invaluable new tools to commercial workflows. The new Live for Studio app adds a reliable and efficient way to collaborate with art directors and clients. At the same time, Client Multi-Viewer solves long-standing challenges by using additional monitors with different aspect ratios and orientations."

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  • How many activations will I receive with a Studio subscription?

  • I don’t shoot in a studio – is the software still relevant for me?

  • What’s coming to Studio in the near future?

  • Will you still develop Capture One Pro or will Studio take precedent?

  • Are sessions created in Studio supported in Pro?