In yesterday’s webinar Michael shared his unique technique of portrait retouching using the Local Adjustment possibilities and the powerful tools in Capture One Pro 8.
As we ran out of time yesterday, Michael promised to elaborate more on how he does color grading and Color Correction in Capture One Pro 8 in today’s blog post.
Sit back, click play and learn how to do professional retouching directly on the RAW file without the need for Photoshop!
Check out Michael’s website, some of his other tutorials and the webinar from last night.

Michael Woloszynowicz
Michael is a beauty, fashion and portrait photographer and retoucher based in Toronto, Ontario. He creates images that exude a sort of timeless beauty that is not stuck in any one period. They would feel equally appropriate two decades ago as they hopefully will two decades from now. In addition to photography, Michael is also a prolific educator in the field of photography and retouching. He has created course content and instructional articles and videos for RGG EDU, Retouching Academy, FStoppers, Kelby Training and his own YouTube channel.
Excellent material … as always
I just decided to make a switch from Lightroom to Capture One because of Michael previous videos about your software.
It’s nice to see that you’re working with him!
Thank you so much for videos like this one!
It really helps a ton!
All the best,
It is amazing how photograph can be changed from simple tools. It keeps the original quality but increase the beauty.All I can say is the power of real estate photo retouching or photo editing.
This technique is great and should be studied! Hope, soon, I can share with my photograph edited like this video suggests. It will really help me with my photo post production. Thanks.
Ann Young. Photo retoucher from